création entreprise

Business creation, what you should know about AAPI (Algerian Agency for the Promotion of Investment)

Business creation, what you should know about AAPI (Algerian Agency for the Promotion of Investment)

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency (AAPI) is an EPA with legal personality and financial autonomy, under the supervision of the Prime Minister, with the mandate to:

– Position Algeria as an attractive investment destination; – Communicate on investment opportunities, particularly in productive sectors to attract as many investors as possible; – Assist investors in administrative procedures for the realization of their investment projects investment including the benefit of the advantages; – Manage the granting of economic land intended for the realization of investment projects; – Ensure the monitoring of the realization of investment projects and the execution of the commitments made by the operators; – Advocate for the creation of a general climate conducive to investments


The company can exist in several forms, Algerian company law distinguishes:

  • Individual business

  • Single-member company with limited liability (EURL)

  • Limited Liability Company (SARL)

  • General Company (SNC)

  • Joint Stock Company (SPA)

  • Simple Limited Partnership (SCS)

  • Company Limited by Shares (SCPA)

  • Group

Electronic portal dedicated to business creation

With the promulgation of Executive Decree No. 23-169 of April 24, 2023, the electronic portal dedicated to the creation of businesses is managed by the national center of the commercial register, in coordination with the tax administrations, the national social security fund non-employees (CASNOS), the national social security fund for employees (CNAS) and the national statistics office.

Thus, the registration of the company carried out via the electronic portal, after its validation by the National Center of the Trade Register and its confirmation, constitutes the only registration with the administrations concerned. The applicant is not required, after registration of his application, to contact the administrations to provide the paper documents justifying the creation of his business.

The identification of the applicant by the National Center of the Trade Register is carried out through the automated national register of civil status, either by the use of the national identification number (NIN), or the number of the act of birth, or the passport number for non-resident foreigners and the registration application is signed electronically. As soon as the applicant’s signature is affixed, the validation and confirmation procedures for the request are initiated. The documents required for business creation are transmitted electronically by the applicant.

Note :

The services of the National Trade Register Center and the administrations concerned must validate and confirm the registration request, within three days.

After confirmation of registration, the applicant receives via the portal an electronic notice of acceptance of his application. It will thus be the recipient:

1- From an extract from the commercial register.

2- Numbers of:

– tax identification; – statistical identification; – affiliation with the national social security fund for non-employees (CASNOS) or the national social security fund for employees (CNAS).

3- From the common identifier.

Create Your Business

To implement a business creation project, it is necessary to proceed step by step with the preparation of the administrative file. To do this, you must follow eight key steps in your procedures, so that you can incorporate your business:

  • Availability of Company Name

  • The Rental Agreement for the Company’s Headquarters or the Deed of Ownership

  • Drafting of legal statutes (at the same time as the rental contract)

  • Registration at the National Trade Register Center (CNRC)

  • Extraction of the tax card

  • Extraction of the NIS (Statistical Identifier Number)

  • Opening a Bank Account

  • Declaration of activity to CASNOS

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