Investment project: Thalassotherapy

Our firm offers you the acquisition of land facing the sea and then the construction of a thalassotherapy complex.

We support you with the choice of land, original EU equipment and then the financing of the SPA complex.

Do not hesitate to contact us.


Why relocate your business to Algeria?

Why relocate your business to Algeria?

For several years, European companies have been suffering from increasing energy costs (electricity, gas, fuel, etc.).

This is why we suggest moving your factory to Algeria.

Indeed, finished 49/51 (except for strategic sectors), you can freely come to Algeria and settle there.

Here are our arguments:

  • Low salaries (
    Cost of energy
    Favorable export conditions
    – Freight cost
    – No tax on export profits
  • Submit your land base request via the AAPI platform; the rental cost in the symbolic dinar:
  • Exemption from tax charges from 3 to 10 years (
  • Exemption from import taxes and VAT (AAPI)
  • Benefit from free trade agreements with the Union
  • European, African and Arab countries, by 2030 you will benefit from a market of more than 2.5 billion inhabitants. (
  • Financing available via local banks, investment funds, the Algiers stock exchange, private equity, etc. ( -and-investment/)
  • Our mission is to assist you throughout the entire process until your factory starts up.

Whatsapp: +213 5 57 23 92 11

venture capital capital risque

Notions of Venture Capital, Development Capital etc…

Venture Capital

This term refers to investments made in the creation and development of innovative start-ups. Funds operating in this niche provide money but also operational and strategic assistance to the company to support its development. In this segment, the risk and potential return are greater.

Development Capital

Development capital brings together operations to strengthen and expand activities and is aimed at companies that have passed the first few years. The funds are there to enable companies to take a step forward in terms of turnover growth and profitability.

Transmission Capital

This segment includes operations related to mature businesses. Most of the time, these are SMEs (small and medium-sized businesses) or ETIs (mid-sized businesses). The funds are there to prepare the transfer of the company to another industrial entity or its IPO. Since companies are already profitable, investment funds often use leverage to finance debt. These operations are then called Leveraged buy-out (LBO).

Last category, turnaround capital concerns companies facing cash flow difficulties. The funds then inject the financial resources necessary for the recovery of its activity while carrying out internal restructuring.

We present to you Invest Market, an intermediary for stock market transactions.

We present to you Invest Market, an intermediary for stock market transactions.

invest market

What are their responsibilities?

Stock exchange intermediaries (IOB)

Legislative Decree No. 93-10 of May 23, 1993, amended and supplemented relating to the securities exchange, defined the status of intermediaries in stock exchange operations to whom it entrusted the monopoly of trading securities on the stock exchange.

Their activities :

negotiation on behalf of third parties

own account trading

securities investment advice

UCITS portfolio management

the placement of transferable securities and financial products

advising businesses on capital structure, mergers and takeovers

accord libre échange



What are Free Trade Agreements ?

Accords-de-Libre-echange.fr_.en_.pdf (636 downloads )
1-    Association agreement between Algeria and the European Union

A free trade agreement (FTA) is atreaty signed between two or more countries to facilitate trade and remove barriers to trade.

Customs is mainly concerned with the implementation of Title 2 of the agreement. This title relates to the free movement of goods.

Actions taken by customs:

  • Pricing preferences
  • Rules of origin?

Tariff preferences

Is about :

  • industrial products,
  • agricultural products,
  • fish products,
  • and processed agricultural products.

Advantages granted to products originating from Algeria

Advantages granted to products originating in the Community

Advantages granted to products originating from Algeria:

Industrial products falling under Chapter 25 to Chapter 97:

Total exemption from customs duties. NB: certain agro-industrial products originating from Algeria exported to the European Union remain subject to a reduced duty.

Agricultural products covered by Protocol 1:

  • Tariff reductions ranging from 40 to 100% of customs duties and duties and taxes?of equivalent effect;
  • The rights of customs?on imports are eliminated or reduced depending on the product. Elimination is carried out in accordance with the proportions indicated for each of them in column a; For certain products, customs duties are eliminated within the limits of the tariff quotas
    ?indicated for each of them in column b.

Fishery products covered by Protocol 3:

Total exemption from customs duties.

Processed agricultural products: listed in Protocol No. 5 Annex I

  • Total exemption from customs duties for products included in list 1.
  • Exemption from customs duties within the limit of a tariff quota for certain products listed in list 2.
  • Exemption from customs duties more or less an agricultural element for the products listed in list 3.

Advantages granted to products originating from the community:

Industrial products:

Total exemptionof customs duties and duties and taxes having equivalent effect from September 1, 2005. These products are also exempt from all quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect. The exemption concerns the products listed in Annex 2. Progressive dismantling of customs duties and duties and taxes having equivalent effect for products covered by Annex 03, until total elimination after 05 years, from the second year of entry into force of the agreement.

Disposal is carried out according to the following schedule:

  • Two years after the agreement comes into force: a 20% reduction on basic customs duties;
  • three years after the agreement comes into force: a 30% reduction on basic customs duties;
  • four years after the agreement comes into force: a 40% reduction on basic customs duties;
  • five years after the agreement comes into force: a 60% reduction on basic customs duties;
  • six years after the entry into force of the agreement: an 80% reduction on basic customs duties;
  • seven years after the entry into force of the agreement: the remaining rights are eliminated.

Progressive dismantling of customs duties and duties and taxes having equivalent effect for products other than those listed in Annexes 02 and 03, until total elimination after 10 years, from the second year of the entry into force of the agreement.

Disposal is carried out according to the following schedule:

  • A progressive reduction of 10% each year applicable on basic customs duties from the second year until the tenth year after the entry into force of the agreement;
  • eleven years after the entry into force of the agreement: a reduction of 5% on the remaining basic customs duties;
  • twelve years after the entry into force of the agreement: the remaining rights are eliminated.

NB- The date of entry into force of the association agreement between Algeria and the EU is September 1, 2005. – Basic customs duties are the rates applied on January 1, 2002.

Agricultural products :

Tariff reduction ranging from 20 to 100% of customs duties and duties and taxes having equivalent effect within the limit of pre-fixed tariff quotas for products covered by Protocol 2.

Fishing products:

Tariff reductions ranging from 25 to 100% of customs duties and duties and taxes with equivalent effect for products covered by Protocol 04.

Processed agricultural products:

Immediate concessions:
Reduction ranging from 20 to 100% of customs duties and duties and taxes having equivalent effect for the products listed in List 1 of Protocol 5Annex 2. A limitation of quotas is provided for certain products. Deferred concessions: The products listed in the list 2 of protocol 5 annex 2 will be subject to an examination of the possibilities of liberalization from the 5th year of the entry into force of the agreement.

Factsheet on the EU agreement

Legal basis:

Date of signing: 04/22/2002 in Valencia (Spain). Date of application: 01/09/2005. Ratified by: Presidential Decree No. 05/159 of 04/27/2005.

Application circular:Circular No. 55/DGD/CAB/D100 of 07/15/2005.

Contracting Parties:Algeria and the European Union.

The Republic of Germany The Republic of Malta
The Republic of Austria The Republic of Poland
The Kingdom of Belgium The Republic of Slovakia
Bulgaria The Kingdom of Slovenia
The Republic of Cyprus The Republic of Estonia
The Kingdom of Denmark The Italian Republic
The Kingdom of Spain The Portuguese Republic
The Republic of Finland Sweden
The French Republic The Czech Republic
Greece Romania
The Republic of Hungary Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Ireland The Republic of Littonia
The Kingdom of the Netherlands The Republic of Lithuania

Scope :

The provisions of the agreement apply:

  • industrial products originating from the EU imported into Algeria;
  • to certain processed agricultural products originating in the EU imported into Algeria;
  • to certain agricultural products originating in the EU imported into Algeria;
  • industrial products originating from Algeria exported to the EU;
  • to certain agricultural and fishing products originating in Algeria exported to the EU;
  • to certain processed agricultural products originating in Algeria exported to the EU.

Conditions for granting preferences:

Original character of the product:
The products must originate in Algeria or the European Union according to the rules indicated above.

Territorial conditions:

Principle of territoriality:
With the exception of cases of accumulation, the conditions for acquiring origin must be met without interruption in Algeria or in the European community.

Exemptions (link to Title III art 13 of protocol no. 6 of the agreement) providing for relaxations of the principle of territoriality are provided for in particular cases.

Direct transportation
The preferential regime provided for by the agreement is applicable only to products and materials:

  • transported directly between the territories of Algeria and the countries of the community;
  • or by using the territories of other countries with which cumulation is applicable.

Transit through third countries with possible transshipment or storage does not alter the origin, if the conditions set out in art 14 of traffic protocol 6 are respected.

*The ban on discounts or exemptions from customs duties: “no drawback” rule?»

Non-originating materials:

  • implemented in the manufacture of products originating from the community, Algeria or one of the other countries
  • referred to in Articles 4 and 5 of Protocol No. 6 (Morocco and Tunisia),
  • and for which proof of origin is issued or established.

do not benefit either in the community or in Algeria from a rebate or an exemption from customs duties in any form whatsoever.

To know more :
Consult the entire agreementCircular No. 55/DGD/CAB/D100 of 07/15/2005.

2-    Greater Arab Free Trade Area

The Great Arab Free Trade Zone (GZALE)

Convention for the Facilitation and Development of Trade Between the Arab States.

  • Date of signature: 02/27/1981, in Tunis.
  • Date of application: 01/01/2009.

Contracting Parties:

Algeria Bahrain
Egypt Kuwait
Jordan Oman
Tunisia Yemen
Morocco Sudan
Mauritania Palestine
United Arab Emirates Iraq
Saudi Arabia Syria
Qatar Lebanon

Djibouti, Somalia and the Comoros Islands are not affected by the large free trade zone?(GZALE). These states have not yet joined this zone.

Mauritania was also excluded during the 83rd session of the economic and social council of the Arab League, held in February 2009.

What does the agreement provide?

This convention and its executive program provide for the establishment of an Arab Free Trade Zone between the contracting parties. Its objective is to relaunch the process of Arab economic integration.

The provisions of the said agreement and its executive program apply:

  • To products originating from this zone which can be exchanged under a preferential tariff regime between Algeria and the Arab States.
  • with the exception of: a list of products excluded from tax advantages

Preferential tariff regime applicable to originating products traded between Arab countries:

Products originating from Arab States, not excluded from the Arab free trade zone whether imported into Algeria or exported from Algeria to an Arab country:

Benefit from total exemption from customs duties and duties and taxes?of equivalent effect.

NB: Only customs duty is affected by the exemption

Rules of origin?applicable within the framework of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area:

In order to avoid fraudulent practices and preserve the interests of the public treasury, the determination and controls of the origin of goods are essential:

All goods imported or exported within the framework of the Greater Arab Free Trade Zone (GZALE) must comply with the principle of the rules announced in article 09 of the convention.

These rules are governed by the decisions of the economic and social council responsible for implementing the executive program.

The originating status of these goods must be justified by a certificate of origin. The goods must also be transported directly between the Arab States.

General provisions and detailed rules of origin for the products of the tariff chapters and positions are adopted by the council. These provisions are definitively decided by the technical committee of the rules of origin of the Arab League.

The products which can acquire original status are:

  • Fully obtained products
  • Products not entirely obtained or processed
  • Products satisfying the rules of cumulation of origin

In order to benefit from the preferential advantages granted when importing a product from an Arab country that is a member of the GZALE, a certificate of origin justifying the originating status of a product must be provided at the time of customs clearance.

When is the certificate of origin not required?

Small shipments, devoid of any commercial character, are exempt from the production of the certificate. These small shipments must be addressed to individuals or contained in travelers’ luggage. Their equivalent in Algerian dinars does not exceed:

  • US$500, for small shipments;
  • US$1,200 for travelers’ personal baggage.

Where to obtain the certificate of Arab origin?

The certificate of origin is issued by the competent authorities of the country of export upon written request established by:

  • the exporter;
  • Or under his responsibility, by his authorized representative.

And this, at the time of export of the goods to which it refers.

The certificate of origin must be drawn up in Arabic. The customs service may possibly require a translation. In Algeria, the certificate of origin is issued by
the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.After issuance, the certificate must be endorsed by the customs services of the customs office from which the export is carried out.

NB: The proof of origin is valid for six (06) months from the date of issue of the certificateNew: List of tariff subheadings of products excluded from the advantages provided for under the GZALE.

Stock exchange intermediaries (IOB)

Legislative Decree No. 93-10 of May 23, 1993, amended and supplemented relating to the securities exchange, defined the status of intermediaries in stock exchange operations to whom it entrusted the monopoly of trading securities on the stock exchange.

Their activities :
negotiation on behalf of third parties
own account trading
securities investment advice
UCITS portfolio management
the placement of transferable securities and financial products
advising businesses on capital structure, mergers and takeovers

Free trade zones

  • African Continental Free Trade Area (ZLECAF)

Convinced of the importance of African economic complementarity, Algeria signed on March 21, 2018, in Kigali (Rwanda), the agreement providing for the creation of the ZLECAF as well as the three protocols of Agreement relating to trade in goods, to trade in services and that relating to the settlement of disputes and formally initiated the procedure for the ratification of the ZLECAF Agreement on 02.28.2020. On December 29, 2020, it promulgated the law approving the Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area.



Business creation, benefit from the advantages offered by the AAPI

Procedures to follow to create a business in Algeria.

In order to benefit from tax and social advantages and to obtain land where your factory will be located, we advise you to register on the

(for the technical and economic study, please contact us).

Creation-of-company-advantages-from-AAPI.pdf (629 downloads )

 I- The advantages granted by the AAPI (Algerian Agency for the Promotion of Investment).

1.1 Under the implementation phase

  • Exemption from customs duties for imported goods used directly in the realization of the investment;
  • Exemption from VAT for goods and services imported or acquired locally, entering directly into the realization of the investment;
  • Exemption from transfer tax, for payment, and land registration tax, for all real estate acquisitions made as part of the investment concerned;
  • Exemption from registration fees payable for company constitutive documents and capital increases;
  • Exemption from registration fees, land registration tax as well as state remuneration relating to concessions of built and undeveloped real estate, intended for the realization of investment projects;
  • Exemption from property tax on real estate properties, falling within the scope of the investment, for a period of ten (10) years, from the date of acquisition.

1.2 During the operation phase

for a period ranging from three (3) to five (5) years, from the date of entry into operation, of: Exemption from corporate income tax (IBS);

1.3 Foreign Investment In Algeria

The regime applicable to investments made in economic activities producing goods and services is governed mainly by the provisions of Law No. 22-18 relating to investment of July 24, 2022, as well as its implementing texts.

The provisions of this new Law aim to encourage investment with the aim of developing priority sectors of activity with high added value, ensuring sustainable and balanced territorial development and promoting natural resources and local raw materials.

It is also about encouraging technological transfer and developing innovation and the knowledge economy, generalizing the use of new technologies, boosting job creation, promoting the skills of human resources and strengthen and improve the competitiveness of the national economy and its export capacity.

It should also be noted that the Law provides that the rights and advantages legally acquired by the investor are maintained, and remain governed by the laws under which they were registered and/or declared, until the expiry of the duration said advantages.

1.4 The establishment of a company in partnership with foreigners

Established by the complementary finance law for 2009 then taken up by the 2016 Finance Law, the so-called 49-51% rule and since the promulgation of the 2020 Finance Law has been modified and is now limited only to so-called strategic activities as well as as for import operations of raw materials, goods and products intended for resale as is.

Thus, the strategic sectors subject to the 49-51% rule are, according to the Supplementary Finance Law for 2020, the following:

  • The exploitation of the national mining domain, as well as any underground or surface resource relating to an extractive activity on the surface or underground, excluding quarries for non-mineral products;
  • Upstream of the energy sector and any other activity governed by the law on hydrocarbons, as well as the operation of the distribution and transportation network of electrical energy by cables and of gaseous or liquid hydrocarbons by overhead or underground pipes;
  • Industries initiated or linked to military industries under the Ministry of National Defense;
  • Railway tracks; ports and airports;
  • Pharmaceutical industries, with the exception of investments linked to the manufacturing of innovative essential products, with high added value, requiring complex and protected technology, intended for the local market and for export.

In this context, Executive Decree No. 21-145 of April 17, 2021 establishing the list of activities of a strategic nature was published in the Official Journal No. 30 of April 22, 2021 and the activities of a strategic nature relating to the sectors of the energy and mining, pharmaceutical industry and transport, subject to a 51% resident national shareholding participation are as follows:

Any transfer of shares by foreign parties to other foreign parties, of the share capital of an entity under Algerian law carrying out one of the strategic activities, is subject to authorization from the Government.

Any transfer of assets from a non-resident foreign party to a resident national party is assimilated to an importation of goods or services and therefore complies with the provisions governing exchange control regarding the transfer of proceeds from the operations of the transfer.

1.5 Types of contributions accepted in Algeria

The Algerian regulations in force provide for three types of contributions defined as follows:

  • Cash contributions: the funds resulting from the cash subscription are deposited, either in the hands of the notary or with a financial institution.

For non-resident shareholders or associates, the funds are deposited in a holding account opened in foreign currency in an Algerian bank in the name of the company being established.

  • Contributions in kind:one or more contribution commissioners are appointed by court decision at the request of the founders or one of them. They assess, under their responsibility, the value of contributions in kind. Their report is annexed to the statutes.
  • Contribution in industry: this form of contribution is only applicable for single-member companies and for Limited Liability Companies.

The evaluation of its value and the fixing of the shares it generates in the profits are fixed in the statutes of the company, this contribution does not enter into the constitution of the capital of the company.

1.6 Eligibility for dividend transfer:

Only companies under Algerian law whose activity is involved in the production of goods or services are authorized to transfer dividends to the percentage of shares held in the share capital of foreign partners and the transfer of directors’ fees. For mixed activities, an agreement Prior payment from the Bank of Algeria is required.

Transfers of funds for the benefit of natural or legal persons not resident in Algeria must be declared in advance to the tax services. Concerning dividends distributed, they are subject at the time of their payment to a withholding tax operated by the company which pays said sums. The rate of withholding is 15% tax free. Please note that profits transferred to a non-resident foreign company by its branch established in Algeria or any other professional installation in the tax sense.

1.7 Formalities related to the transfer of dividend:

The documents to be provided for processing dividend transfer files are:

  • Transfer request ;
  • Copy of the commercial register;
  • Copy of the company’s statutes and their updates;
  • The transfer order;
  • Certificate from a bank justifying the contribution of foreign shareholders or associates supported by documents justifying the repatriation and transfer to the Bank of Algeria;
  • Copy of the minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders or associates having decided on the allocation of results showing the amount of profits and the amount of dividends distributed as well as the terms of payment in the form of an act authentic notarized;
  • Taking the attendance sheet of the directors and/or shareholders who participated in the holding of the AGO, the said minutes must be the subject of a legal deposit and satisfy the legal publication obligations (BOAL);
  • Copy of the statement authenticated by the auditor of the distribution of income allocated to beneficiaries, less taxes and duties;
  • Copy of the balance sheet and the TCR for the financial year for which the transfer was requested as well as the auditor’s report certifying the sincerity and regularity of the accounts;
  • In addition, the auditor’s report must be without reservations, failing which a certificate from the CAC attesting that the reservations formulated are not blocking the transfer of dividends;
  • Bulletin of legal announcements (BOAL) (final publication including the No. and date of Publication);
  • Certificate of transfer of funds, tax clearance, tax roll extract;
  • 3 original copies of the B&C statistical tables as defined by instruction n°09-05 of the Bank of Algeria;
  • Court decision extending deadlines for dividends distributed in previous financial years and not having been transferred within 09 months from the close of the financial year concerned, as provided for in Article 724 of the Commercial Code.
  • The execution of the transfer must absolutely take place within the regulatory deadlines of September 3 of each financial year.


II- Land

2.1 Composition of Economic Land:

  • Developed land belonging to industrial zones and activity zones,
  • Developed land located within the perimeter of new towns,
  • Developed land falling within expansion zones and tourist sites
  • Developed land belonging to technology parks,
  • Residual real estate assets of dissolved public companies
  • Excess real estate assets of public economic enterprises

2.2 Concession of economic land:

Applications for the granting of economic land registered on the investor’s digital platform, managed by the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, which constitutes the one and only submission method.

Economic land intended for the implementation of investment projects is granted by way of over-the-counter concession convertible into transfer for a period of thirty-three (33) years, renewable, by decision of the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency. (AAPI).

Display durationof the list of real estate intended to receive investment projects is set at thirty (30) days.

Registered requests for the granting of economic land are processed and responded to by the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days, from the date display timeout.

When the state land, subject of the concession request, is located within the perimeter of an expansion zone and tourist site, industrial zone, activity zone, technological park or new town, the location of the project The investment must be made in compliance with the specifications, the requirements of the published development permit and the approved development plans.

2.3 Eligibility of the economic land applicant

Any natural or legal person, national or foreign, resident or non-resident, within the meaning of Law No. 22-18 of July 24, 2022 relating to investment, carrying an investment project, may apply for the benefit of a concession by mutual agreement convertible into the transfer of real estate falling within the private domain of the State.


To benefit from the advantages provided for by the provisions of this law, investments must, prior to their realization, be registered with the competent one-stop shop or via the investor’s digital platform “invest.”.

The registration of the investment is materialized by the issuance, immediately, of a certificate accompanied by the list of goods and services eligible for advantages authorizing the investor to claim from the administrations and organizations concerned (Executive Decree No. 22 – 299 of September 8, 2022).

Registration with the Agency’s One-Stop Shops:

  • Registration with Decentralized Single Windows at the local level for investments whose amount is less than two billion dinars (2,000,000,000 DA).
  • Registration with the Single Window for Major Projects and Foreign Investments:
  • structuring investments whose amount is equal to or greater than ten (10) billion dinars and the level of direct employment is equal to or greater than five hundred (500) job positions;
  • investments whose amount is equal to or greater than two billion dinars (2,000,000,000 DA);
  • investments whose capital is held in whole or in part by foreign natural or legal persons.
  • SMIC (minimum salary) AND SOCIAL CHARGES

4.1 SNMG: Guaranteed National Minimum Salary

The guaranteed national minimum wage (SNMG) is20,000 DZD (145.6 €uros as of November 3, 2022, 1 Algerian Dinar is worth 0.00728 euros) per month for 40 hours of weekly work, i.e. an hourly rate of 115.38 DZDsince Presidential Decree No. 21-137 of April 7, 2021, with effect from June 1, 2020.

4.2 Social charges

1-For Contributions:
For salaried workers, the single contribution rate is 34.5% of the salary subject to contribution as defined by law. This rate is distributed as follows:


Branches Employers Workers Share of social works Total
Social Insurance 12.50% 1.50% 14%
Work Accidents and Occupational Illnesses 1.25% 1.25%
Retirement 10% 6.75% 0.50% 17.25%
Early retirement 0.25% 0.25% 0.50%
Unemployment insurance 1% 0.50% 1.50%
Total 25% 9% 0.50% 34.50%

For non-employees, the rate of the overall contribution, payable by the taxable person, is 15% calculated on the basis of the annual taxable income or, failing that, the turnover, or in certain cases on the basis of the Annual SNMG. This rate is distributed equally (7.5%) between the social insurance and retirement branches. For particular inactive categories, the contribution rate payable by the State budget varies between 0.5 % and 7% of the SNMG.

4.3 IRG: Global Income Tax

How to calculate IRG for an employee?

Taxable salary (S) is between 15,000 DA and 22,500 DA SoIRG= (S-15,000)x20/100-1000.

Taxable salary (S) is between 30,000 DA and 120,000 DA SoIRG= 2,500 + (S-30,000)x30/100.

Taxable salary (S) is higher: 120,000 DA ThenIRG=29,500 + (S-120,000)x35/100.

This tax is withheld at source.


venture capital

Notions of Venture Capital, Development Capital etc…

Venture Capital

This term refers to investments made in the creation and development of innovative start-ups. Funds operating in this niche provide money but also operational and strategic assistance to the company to support its development. In this segment, the risk and potential return are greater.

Development Capital

Development capital brings together operations to strengthen and expand activities and is aimed at companies that have passed the first few years. The funds are there to enable companies to take a step forward in terms of turnover growth and profitability.

Transmission Capital

This segment includes operations related to mature businesses. Most of the time, these are SMEs (small and medium-sized businesses) or ETIs (mid-sized businesses). The funds are there to prepare the transfer of the company to another industrial entity or its IPO. Since companies are already profitable, investment funds often use leverage to finance debt. These operations are then called Leveraged buy-out (LBO).

Last category, turnaround capital concerns companies facing cash flow difficulties. The funds then inject the financial resources necessary for the recovery of its activity while carrying out internal restructuring.

création entreprise

Business creation, what you should know about AAPI (Algerian Agency for the Promotion of Investment)

Business creation, what you should know about AAPI (Algerian Agency for the Promotion of Investment)

The Algerian Investment Promotion Agency (AAPI) is an EPA with legal personality and financial autonomy, under the supervision of the Prime Minister, with the mandate to:

– Position Algeria as an attractive investment destination; – Communicate on investment opportunities, particularly in productive sectors to attract as many investors as possible; – Assist investors in administrative procedures for the realization of their investment projects investment including the benefit of the advantages; – Manage the granting of economic land intended for the realization of investment projects; – Ensure the monitoring of the realization of investment projects and the execution of the commitments made by the operators; – Advocate for the creation of a general climate conducive to investments


The company can exist in several forms, Algerian company law distinguishes:

  • Individual business

  • Single-member company with limited liability (EURL)

  • Limited Liability Company (SARL)

  • General Company (SNC)

  • Joint Stock Company (SPA)

  • Simple Limited Partnership (SCS)

  • Company Limited by Shares (SCPA)

  • Group

Electronic portal dedicated to business creation

With the promulgation of Executive Decree No. 23-169 of April 24, 2023, the electronic portal dedicated to the creation of businesses is managed by the national center of the commercial register, in coordination with the tax administrations, the national social security fund non-employees (CASNOS), the national social security fund for employees (CNAS) and the national statistics office.

Thus, the registration of the company carried out via the electronic portal, after its validation by the National Center of the Trade Register and its confirmation, constitutes the only registration with the administrations concerned. The applicant is not required, after registration of his application, to contact the administrations to provide the paper documents justifying the creation of his business.

The identification of the applicant by the National Center of the Trade Register is carried out through the automated national register of civil status, either by the use of the national identification number (NIN), or the number of the act of birth, or the passport number for non-resident foreigners and the registration application is signed electronically. As soon as the applicant’s signature is affixed, the validation and confirmation procedures for the request are initiated. The documents required for business creation are transmitted electronically by the applicant.

Note :

The services of the National Trade Register Center and the administrations concerned must validate and confirm the registration request, within three days.

After confirmation of registration, the applicant receives via the portal an electronic notice of acceptance of his application. It will thus be the recipient:

1- From an extract from the commercial register.

2- Numbers of:

– tax identification; – statistical identification; – affiliation with the national social security fund for non-employees (CASNOS) or the national social security fund for employees (CNAS).

3- From the common identifier.

Create Your Business

To implement a business creation project, it is necessary to proceed step by step with the preparation of the administrative file. To do this, you must follow eight key steps in your procedures, so that you can incorporate your business:

  • Availability of Company Name

  • The Rental Agreement for the Company’s Headquarters or the Deed of Ownership

  • Drafting of legal statutes (at the same time as the rental contract)

  • Registration at the National Trade Register Center (CNRC)

  • Extraction of the tax card

  • Extraction of the NIS (Statistical Identifier Number)

  • Opening a Bank Account

  • Declaration of activity to CASNOS


Study and support in project financing and investment

Study and support in project financing and investment

We, CODIN-CONSULTING Group, are proud to inform you about our Partnership with RMGC Holding

 Assurance of the viability of the project via targeted studies.

  • Search for financing for the realization of an investment project.
  • Creation of a forecast financing file to present to banks, shareholders and investors.

Equity financing and venture capital

  • Financing and self-financing advice
  • Financing by share capital or in other words “EQUITY”
  • Financing by venture capital for increasing the company’s capital

equity venture capital

 Support for business creation and organization

 Project targeting and capital operations

  • Administrative and banking support for business creation
  • Assistance and representation
  • Delegated management
  • Business start-up assistance
  • Development and implementation of management procedures
  • Restructuring operation, merger, split
  • Company liquidation

Assistance with business creation

  • Marketing studies
  • Project study
  • Financial arrangement
  • Assistance in granting credit
  • Representation to administrations and financial establishments.

Opportunity study and business plan

  • Turnkey business plan
  • From the preamble to the conclusion, including the market study, the technical presentation, the organizational study, the investment and financing plan and the cost estimate.

business plan

Contract Audit

 Audit & tax diagnosis

  • Audit and organizational and operational diagnosis of financial and commercial operations.
  • Audit and organizational and operational diagnosis of financial and commercial audit

Delegated management 

  • Intervention in delegated management to allow the company to focus on its core business and what it masters best.

delegated management

Collection of invoices and receivables

  • Appreciation and valuation of receivables
  • Processing and negotiation with the parties concerned

collection invoice

Legal advice 

Our activities cover all of our clients’ expectations, whatever the problem they encounter, we offer them a global solution through our law firm partners in terms of advice.

Corporate law :

  • Choice of relevant legal structures
  • Social life monitoring
  • Status and responsibility of managers
  • Management of intra-group relations.

Competition & distribution:

  • Concentration
  • Agreement
  • Abuse of dominant position, Conditions of sale-consumption
  • Distribution network

Intellectual property :

  • Valorization of intellectual heritage
  • Optimization of brand policy
  • Counterfeiting litigation

Social right : 

  • Individual and collective relationships
  • Collective bargaining
  • Staff representative institutions
  • Social litigation and Social Security
  • Professional risk management
  • Human Resource Management

Payroll outsourcing

Our payroll managers secure this mission and our service fits naturally into your organization. Our skills in this subcontracting mission allow you to optimize your payroll processing with an innovative, personalized and proven offer.

Stock market promoter 

As part of the creation of a compartment dedicated to SMEs at the Algiers Stock Exchange, the new concept of stock market promoter was introduced, provided for by Articles 46 to 46-3 of the general regulations, modified and supplemented. of the stock market.

The Stock Market Promoter fulfills the main function of supporting companies applying for an IPO in the SME compartment. He is the contact person for the companies he supports with regard to the market (COSOB, SGBV, Algérie-Clearing, etc.).

The relations between the promoter and the candidate company are formalized by an agreement signed by both parties and established, according to a standard model defined by COSOB.

The agreement sets out the reciprocal obligations and rights of the two parties and constitutes a condition for the issuing company’s admission to the stock exchange.

It defines, in particular, the responsibility of the promoter in terms of advice, support and monitoring of compliance with legal and regulatory obligations regarding the publication of information by the company.

Our area of ​​intervention

  • Advice and supervision of the SME in its preparation for the IPO.
  • Production of the information notice Negotiation with intermediaries in Stock Exchange Operations – IOB.
  • Representation and negotiation with institutions.
  • Ensure communication on behalf of the SME listed on the stock exchange to the general public.
  • Post-introduction support and control.